Tin Universe Daily #21
hi to Rhoda for me!!!
was just sitting here… going through your previous journal entries… I think we
tend to think alike. I also see you’ve been to mine today.
well… my day has just kinda come and gone. I’m listening to silence but have
been on and off Pandora all day.
had to call Mike after I got off the phone with you. He’s having some family
stuff going on and I was happy to be here for him. I woke him up though, but he
needed to unload, so it worked out ok.
be here prolly all night… I don’t intend on going anywhere currently. I’ll be
bouncing in and off the net… as usual.
couldn’t sleep last night... I was too charged to attempt to sleep after
talking to you. Totally too excited. Plus, I want to update…
voice was totally not what I expected… but it rocked my world just the same. I
think I was a little scared today… I’m not really sure why… just that… I wasn’t
sure what you were thinking of me after hearing me on the phone.
behind in some snail mail that I need to write out tonight as well… but I’m
sure I’ll be in and out of Facebook and Gmail as well. Multi-tasking rules!
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first Tin Universe Middle Grade Story,