Universe Daily #3
I think I remember a little talk about “No
wakie” Saturday night soooo please if you don’t have a ride tell me, I really
don’t mind taking you home. NO NO WALKIE toooo far…mmmmkay? I almost called you
last night just to see how things were going and talk a little more about what
you wrote in the letter to me yesterday. It was getting so late knowing you
didn’t sleep the night before…with my luck I would have woke you. First you can
always talk or ramble to me anytime. I understand that you have a situation
when it comes to talking about your family. My family history isn’t actually
streamlined normal. I’m here to talk if you need to. I can’t believe you slept
on the couch, you’re so silly. Trust me if I hadn't left when I did you
would have been watching me sleep and hearing me snore maybe…*laugh*… That was
late for an old lady like me. I don’t have insomnia sometimes but I mostly lay
down around nine or so. I still get up from time to time because somebody has
to play on the internet @3am…. I beginning to think it’s a second job!
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
brian c.williams
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