Tin Universe Daily #15
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
sorry I kind of left rather quickly last night… but I was getting tired and
Gmail was acting up on my laptop.
We do get intense… sometimes too intense. Sometimes I just think of how this
can actually be happening to me at this time and in this place. Everything
still feels a little surreal to me.
slept in this morning… kind of… I was up and down most of the morning… and now
I have the start of a migraine. I think I am just disgusted with myself that I
can’t seem to motivate and get things done around here like I want before you
come over.
felt motivated when I first heard of you say you needed to come over finally…
but now... I can barely move. Like a deer caught in a pair of headlights. But
this is my problem, not yours. I keep thinking to myself that for all the
whining I have done about this place in the last two years… I could have
finished everything three times over by now. Ugh.
for you… I guess sometime I get scared. This is like new ground for me… cos I never
have talked to someone about sexual pleasures like this before. I mean I have a
few times… but it was more to my amusement than theirs. I like to think that I
do turn you on sexually… but… like I have said before… you haven’t been with me
in the wild so to speak and you might not like what you see. This is what makes
a relationship undercover difficult.
think I want to write more on this… but it’s almost time for me to leave for
work… I should have started this earlier as well… but I’m one for putting
things off until the last possible minute.
know I fantasize about you… but to get those thoughts form into words is a
difficult thing for me to do. And even thought I have done lots of stuff… I
mean look at me… I scored 35% on the purity test!!!.... there is still a lot
out there I am scared of. Talking is one of them. Maybe that is why lots of
relationships in the past with me failed miserably.
one knew how to talk and maybe that is my problem only.
to school to daydream about how I should have written this better.
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Price: FREE,
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Expires: January 16, 2015.
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