Tin Universe Middle Grade Series.

Someone is zombifying athletes at Clear Cut High School in Utah. Lucky the school has its own young superhero in the person of Mildred Betbeze to try and figure out what's going on. Pep rallies, cheerleaders, new kids in the neighborhood are just some of things our hero and her sidekick slash best friend Aisha have to deal with in the first audio book adaption in Tin Universe's middle grade series. $2.00 Profits from the sales of this audio book will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the books is sold on Podbean.

Monday, May 20, 2024

New Audio Series GUT KILL 8/2/24

 THE GUT KILL is a new Audio Drama series coming to Tin Pod Radio 8/2/24. 

What does a deity or time walker do when they clock out and need a loaf of bread, flesh bread? To The Gut Kill. Shocked! Where does the foot solider of the latest King Of The Universe pick up solar batteries for his son? The Gut Kill! It's a pretty great little store. A stocked walk in store that is crammed with the darnedest things. If the universe notices you, and if you have a need, you might find yourself outside The Gut Kill. 

*don't feed the counter girl. She bites.

**no Muse, God, or "Best Friend" is responsible for what may happen to you inside The Gut Kill.

***The Gut Kill is a sub reality. Sub Sub.


Girl At Counter = Chloe Mei-li Bundt

Record = Brian C. Williams

The Narrator = Stacey Taylor

Caspry Soldier = Josh Wells

Shock = Ashen Gray

Erato = Shiraz Engineer

Blod Vetala = Niamh Kennedy

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