Tin Universe Middle Grade Series.

Someone is zombifying athletes at Clear Cut High School in Utah. Lucky the school has its own young superhero in the person of Mildred Betbeze to try and figure out what's going on. Pep rallies, cheerleaders, new kids in the neighborhood are just some of things our hero and her sidekick slash best friend Aisha have to deal with in the first audio book adaption in Tin Universe's middle grade series. $2.00 Profits from the sales of this audio book will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the books is sold on Podbean.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Tin Universe Daily #154

Tin Universe Daily #154


Called Key by his people, all those allowed to speak directly to him that is.
His first follower gave the name to him when he came into physical existence and placed his first footstep onto the sands of Sunset Dies. At that time the land was just…well, basically a wasteland of nothing but sand and a few empty pyramids.
The pyramids came out of the sands when the lands went into a rage at being abandoned by those who had taken on the charge of controlling what makes up Sunset Dies and the bigger lands that surround it.
The pyramids are the land’s expression of hate.
Key walked from the sands he came into life from to one of the pyramids where he found a young woman crying in one of the inner chambers.
She was lost.
She was alone.
He helped her off the floor and they talked. He talked about being ripped from his home, his peaceful lif, and being drafted into the plans of other beings, to fulfill roles they themselves could not do or just did not have the time to soil their hands with.
He told her of his anger at being alive at all in this existence.
She looked at him with nothing but tears in her eyes and spoke to him, ‘Tell me how to live without this pain.’
From that moment Key know what he must do if he was going to be a part of creation.

(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams

Start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.

Or the first Tin Universe Middle Grade Story,

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