Tin Universe Daily #96
No Panic Mode,
No Panic Mode.
Go into my Doctor Who collection and pick up the big green books and read the
cover DON'T PANIC sister. I know it is really easy to talk yourself into
reasons why you cannot or should not do something, I know this big time because
I do it daily but let us just for shits and giggles say you are not perfect.
Just for example now. We will distance ourselves from reality for a bit while I
put on my healing gloves. Don't mind the stains, You really don't want to know.
But anyways if you are not perfect then you can fall, fail, and stumble through
things. What does that make you? Human, Bitch! Now me being here and you being
there I'm able to say things such as this and hope maybe a few nighttime PM's
will keep me from getting my ass kicked later but I believe one problem you
have is that you think if you slow down, fall, or stumble a bit or even fail
you are falling short in your life when in fact the one thing that bugs you
about this the most is that when the stumbling or the falling happens you have
to sit up, dust yourself off, stand up, and then think before going on and you
hate that. You want things to happen along a line. Your line but I'm rambling
now and have probably pissed you off beyond recognition but if you are hating
me about now just take comfort in the fact that I was just yelled at by every
member of the asshole family during a conference call. Let’s talk about ME :)
I'm sorry. I don't mean to be such a
selfish brat. What happened?
didn't say you were being a brat. I just think you don't give yourself enough
credit for what you have accomplished and enough room to make mistakes and
issues about what you want to do. I love you and I am very proud of you. With
me, it was just bullshit about stuff from earlier
Fuck them. You do everything for them.. You should come home now. And have hot
sex with me. Yea.
Yea. But then I would screw over the people working tonight. I just hope I
don't get pulled over on the way home. I just want to make it until this
weekend where I will have money to do stuff to my truck to get it working. It
wrecks my nerves so bad driving back and forth now. Wasn't bad enough before
getting pulled over.
Oh, and I love you COUCH!
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
brian c.williams
Coming April 30th
March's Tin Universe Daily collected in one place
Start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first Tin Universe Middle Grade Story,
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