Tin Universe Middle Grade Series.

Someone is zombifying athletes at Clear Cut High School in Utah. Lucky the school has its own young superhero in the person of Mildred Betbeze to try and figure out what's going on. Pep rallies, cheerleaders, new kids in the neighborhood are just some of things our hero and her sidekick slash best friend Aisha have to deal with in the first audio book adaption in Tin Universe's middle grade series. $2.00 Profits from the sales of this audio book will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the books is sold on Podbean.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Saturday, November 26, 2016

2016 Small Business Saturday

We have several middle grade books for sale as well as a tons of free stories for the adults. Though adults will love the middle grade books too :) Parents and their children can read and be part of the same universe, THE TIN UNIVERSE ! The younger ones probably wont enjoy the other Tin Universe stories, just saying, probably not their thing.
Prepare for the release of Book 4 in our middle grade book series on Christmas Eve by reading #1 or buy it for a friend.

and there is always merch like below and tons of other items for everyone on your shopping list of any age or content appreciation.

Listen To Her You Ass Women's Basic T-Shirt

30% off with code BLACKFRISAVE