Tin Universe Daily #160
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
The Central Point of the
Dream Trail,
They are old, ancient to
the very nature of the word. Once they were called The Enlightenment but are
now referred to as The Napoleons, a moniker given to themselves by themselves
because they decided to wear uniforms formerly of the sort worn by the military
leader from France.
They never use to have
these kinds of egos but with the younger generations influence they felt
compelled to compete in terms of flash and fashion.
The whole of The Dream
Trail is technically their realm but they have their own little corner in a
small little house not much different from what you may find in the countryside
of any farming community.
They spend most of their
days there watching television and constantly having Black Addler marathons
being interrupted by business from the trail.
Today they have noticed
that a spirit has gone missing. It entered the trail and now is off radar so to
speak. Normal searches by all worker pigeon clans have turned up no trace. One
of the worst parts of their job is when this happens and it happens much too
often for their liking of late. They know where the spirit must be, a place
beyond their sight and monitoring- Sunset Dies.
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first Tin Universe Middle Grade Story,
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