Tin Universe Middle Grade Series.
Someone is zombifying athletes at Clear Cut High School in Utah. Lucky the school has its own young superhero in the person of Mildred Betbeze to try and figure out what's going on. Pep rallies, cheerleaders, new kids in the neighborhood are just some of things our hero and her sidekick slash best friend Aisha have to deal with in the first audio book adaption in Tin Universe's middle grade series.
$2.00 Profits from the sales of this audio book will go to Trans Lifeline for as long as the books is sold on Podbean.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Written by me and edited by Tina Caceres
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Tin Universe Middle Grade Series #3
Written by Brian C. Williams
Edited by Tina Caceres
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Tin Universe Daily #222

Tin Universe Daily #222
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation Play The Jaz Of New Wounds: Part 1
Maydex computer was one of the most advanced pieces of technology in all of the
British Empire.
say “was” not just trying to get my tenses right.
think that was simple past?
“was” was also to push a point that no technology is beyond future advancements.
Maydex computer was built to help detect any sort of Beyond Human activity come
from anywhere close outside British borders. It’s meant as an early warning
know what Maydex can’t do?
Maydex computer can’t predict a Jaz Brooks.
Brooks sat in a chair scratching her forehead ,bringing blood and ripping the
she kept this up her forehead might end up looking like Dusty Rhodes.
The American Dream.
was sitting on a chair, and the chair she was sitting on was an old wooden
rocker that had been placed on the porch of a rundown house.
was about 5’10 and looked like a normal 20 something. She was a young lady in
the generation of fast food and crazed diets. She had a figure but was also
shaped like someone who worked out on a regular basis.
as a friend of mine use to say “She has a bit of cornbread about her.”
on my unwarranted discussion of her appearance Jaz was wearing a wife beater
shirt and if she was bigger chested she would have been showing them to the
world but without a bra they stay hidden.
fashion was a pair of jeans that were black but with splatters of yellow paint
on them and she was barefoot except for barbwire wrapped around her right foot.
barbwire had pierced and ripped open wounds that dripped blood creating a blood
puddle on the porch.
Maydex didn’t pick up her until the first drop hit the porch of the old house.
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Tin Universe Daily #221

Tin Universe Daily #221
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation Babel Fishing: Part 2
M.B.H.T. device, otherwise known as a Music Box Hack Tool is a small crank
wrist device that moves in appearance very much like the interworking’s of a
small music box. In fact the function of a M.B.H.T. device is to detect one
thing on purpose and that is to detect unsafe open Wi-Fi and computer systems,
but it also detects any sort of one way or two way listening devices nearby.
likes to make people think he’s a cosmic maker, tinker of thrown away pieces, a
manipulator of things to work a way not originally meant. Part of him wants
people to believe he is part of some interdimensional DIY culture that creates
technological tips to doing things on their own.
had his run ins with more than a few Hacker Scales, been hunted by groups of
CNC Assassins across sterile lands, and he even got involved in the family feud
between the Woodworked Bots and the Metalworked bots that left a big scar on
one of his legs that will not heal.
did create his M.B.H.T. device and considered it part of his “learning through
doing” philosophy. This way of thinking is why he had walked this day to where
he was.
had been sitting in an office for 6 hours playing with his gadget, an office
only a few people had set foot one in. He was sitting relaxed like it was a
place he was all so familiar with and had no worries about having his feet up
on the old oak table. His old WWII Army boots were a sight set against the nice
wood finish and the brass and gold decorating its surface.
room was stark in decorations but with things here and there to make points
about its usual dweller. There was a Baby Hand Of Fate in a glass box on a lone
shelf hanging on the wall behind the desk chair. Also one side of the office
hung a poster from the 1990 movie Hidden Agenda, and on the other side a
picture of his boss.
not him.
her either.
Gilligan, codenamed Spotlight, the head of Viking Section, a secret arm, for
the most part, sort of, of the Security Service of the British Empire, this
important man walked into his office with a little cackle seeing that Serenity
had made himself comfortable.
had received a letter a few months ago from Serenity saying he wanted to stop
by and talk about business.
yourself at home?’
sat up straight smiling, ‘You know me. I’m always where I want to be and where
I need to be and where that is is home.’
have always been a confusing man to talk to Serenity.’
dear man, with any way of communication it’s all about how you listen.’
sat down at his desk, ‘So what did you want to see me about? Oh, and thanks for
the help with the Peacock Katana operation.’
glade to help. And I would be more than happy to continue to help.’
you asking to join Viking Section? After I asked. No after I begged you to be
the field leader, now you are ready to join up?’
offering out of the kindness of my heart to help out a friend.’
right, I’m buying that.’
you want to take up and use my talents? That’s what I’m asking.’
have to answer to Gator. He’s a good man and I’m not demoting him. Even for
good with me my old friend.’
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Tin Universe Daily #220

Tin Universe Daily #220
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation Babel Fishing: Part 1
of Viking Section was gathered around listening to Serenity talk. He was
leaning against a table in Scull Doe’s office setting a scene in his strange
dress of WWII British Army boots, a silver and neon green pinstripe suit, and a
very old brown winter jacket with matching winter gloves.
Serenity spoke his dirty blonde curly hair bobbed up and down with his pale
skin making him quite a sight to see telling the most insane stories of when he
use to work with Spotlight, the head of Viking Section, whom no one besides
Scull had ever meet face to face.
time we found the original Volto Santo…’
what?’ Gator asked.
Veil Of Veronica young man. It’s also called the Sudarium.’
to be a holy relic. A cloth which has the image of the face of Jesus Christ on
it. Saint Veronica encountered Jesus on Via Dolorosa on her way to Calvary and ….,’
Agent Of Words
up Words,’ Gator
one is like a computer,’ Serenity said with a big smile.
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Tin Universe Daily #219

Tin Universe Daily #219
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation My Barbwire: Part 4
forced himself to open his eyes but it did no good. His brain wasn’t
registering anything but darkness. The last thing he remembered he had laid
down on the grave of the Smile family of Smile Town Texas. The legend said he
would feel The Holy Spirit grab him but it wasn’t any sort of Holy Spirit that reached
out for him but just before he blacked out he saw hands burst up from each side
of him up from underneath the ground and grabbed him around the waist.
didn’t even get a scream out.
of fact he couldn’t get a scream out now.
fact was not even a whisper or a squeak left his lips.
suddenly the wind was knocked out of him and he blacked out again for a time to
awake once again, this time on the floor of an old room lit by some kind of
natural green glow.
got to his feet in time to hear footsteps off in the distance that were getting
closer and closer. Then into the room stepped a man holding a torch.
a flashlight for you Americans.
could hardly make out the man’s features in the green light when the man spoke
in a authoritative voice, ‘Names Serenity. I think you are looking for this.’
handed Gator the Peacock Katana.
was talking to your big boss and he asked if I could lend a hand.’
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Tin Universe Daily #218

Tin Universe Daily #218
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation My Barbwire: Part 3
Raid, Mary Shelly Words, and Tesla Kevin Electricity were walking into the
graveyard of Smile Down, a small town right in the middle of Texas, right in the
middle of being a typical Texas town.
typical, and I’m being a little stereotypical here, there were the 8 guns shops,
the drugstore, the independent newspaper (calling for succession), the 37
churches (all Christianish), a sheriff’s office, the hardware store (with an
old man who is always in the back because he trusts people not to steal), the
grocery store, a bar owned by a former sheriff, a settlement of Native Americans
just outside of town, and one huge fucking cemetery.
last one is for white folks only ok.
three heroes stood out quite a bit in Smile Town. Not as much like sore thumbs
as like a shredded bloody giant thumb.
three giant shredded bloody thumbs.
Kevin Electricity was dressed like a Sex Pistols/steam punk mashup. His laptop bag
had fibers running through it that made it look like something out of Tron and
he smelled like ozone.
paired with him was Mary Shelly Words decked out in her young London banker white
tightly fitted suit and red trainers. Her hair was cut so short it looked like
an old Marine buzzcut. She was never seen without her smart one; which
constantly gave out a low frequency whistle that she said kept her mind clear.
Reid stood out too but not as much as his team members. He stood out in appearance
like someone working too hard to fit in. Camo hunting boots, blue jeans, a
confederate flag t-shirt, and a Vietnam era Army jacket.
Viking Section field team had stopped just inside the cemetery so Gator could
give out final mission details, ‘The founders of Smile Down died here. Six
family members where the first laid to rest here and are buried here together
in one grave. It’s said if you lay on the grave you will be grabbed by The Holy
Spirit and shown the light. Locals are scared shitless of going near the grave
information says it’s located at the very back of the cemetery,’ Mary Shelly
after the family each grave since has been dug further away from the Smile family
grave. It’s why this town has the largest planned cemetery in the world,’ Gator
told her, ‘Words come with me, Electricity stay here and get all the readings
you can and guard the front gates.’
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Tin Universe Daily #217

Tin Universe Daily #217
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation My Barbwire: Part 2
wasn’t enjoying his flight to the states. Not that he ever enjoyed travelling
back to the country that birthed him but he had had just two hours before
getting his new assignment to head to Texas in the United States, though he had
just returned from an assignment in Oklahoma in the United States.
he was saddled this time with having the field teams Agent Of Words and Agent
Of Electricity travelling with him.
travelling under the names Mary Shelly Words and Tesla Kevin Electricity.
even came up with those cover names for you two?’ Gator asked.
should we be using these words to discuss this topic in public?’ asked Mary
Shelly Words.
pinched his nose in frustration, ‘Ok. How about I don’t talk to you for the
rest of this trip and I talk to Mr. Electricity?’
question to you Tesla.’
it’s part of the tradition passed down through the years for Agents Of Words
and Agents Of Electricity. We have a list of names and we cycle through them.
Each agent does this and we start over when an agent dies.’
most of the time we don’t even use aliases,’ chimed in Mary Shelly Words.
I’m not talking to you.’
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Tin Universe Daily #216

Tin Universe Daily #216
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation My Barbwire: Part 1
Raid was pacing in front of the take out shop talking to his boss on the phone.
Well, one of his bosses, ‘Why‘re we even interested in something like Yamashita’s
the other end of the line was the Assistant Head Of Viking Section Operations
Scull Doe, ‘Not a bit interested in the greatest lost treasure of modern times?’
Not really. What connects this to something we would be interested in?’ asked
Peacock Katana.’
learned back in her desk chair. Everyone else just goes where she says and
reads the files. This is what she gets for hiring an American, ‘Yamashita’s
Gold was a war loot stolen by Japanese, the Yakuza, and U.S. forces. The Tiger
Of Malaya pulled off an heist that would have made George Clooney and Frank Sinatra
die in shame. But as most are interested in what came from the banks, museums,
and private homes. Even the religious stuff isn’t anything to even peek our
‘But this Peacock Katana?’
‘Some say it was the first Katana ever made and was blessed by one of the
ancient gods as it was dying to be used as a revenge sword. The only sword that
could seek out revenge against the other gods who struck him down.’
‘So we are after a God Killer here?’
‘Yes, so now you know why this is a top operation for us.’
‘So where are you sending me this time?’
‘Actually you are heading back to the states. Texas to be precise.’
‘Oh, glory.’
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Tin Universe Daily #215

Tin Universe Daily #215
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation Clifton
sat with his head in his hands in the court houses small defense attorneys’
office. His attorney stood over him in a stern stance, in her eight thousand
dollar pants suit looking down at her client in the glory of his JC Penny
me, I’m the best person to represent you.’
jury reached their verdict and the bailiffs escorted him from the courtroom and
Maxwell Rogers showed no emotion. He lowered his head down and said nothing to
his brother who was sitting behind the defense in the gallery nor his defense
attorney herself.
concentrated on one thought, one thread of thought, one measure about what had
just happen to him. He expressed this with a whisper that even the guards
escorting him could not hear.
I shouldn’t have hired my ex-wife as my lawyer.’
court house contained two large cells, one for incoming prisoners and those
awaiting trail and the other for prisoners awaiting the trip to the state
the state outgoing had only two men playing the waiting game. One was Maxwell
Rogers who had just been convicted by a jury of his peers and the other was
confessed serial killer Cleavand Klinger.
Klinger had made his way across six states carving little boys in little pieces
and sending pieces to politicians all over the country with notes about
America’s sinful leadership.
I Would Even Creep Out Freddy Krueger was sitting in the corner of the cell far
opposite from Maxwell.
was in a stone like emotional state when the guards came to transfer him and
his cellmate.
of you come and put your arms through the meal opening,’ said one of the
their way to the state prison in a van an impact took place head on with a salt
pulled Maxwell form the wreckage.
vehicles burned on the remote country road it also started to snow and the two
prisoners are visited by a creature that stepped out form the flames.
creature, who we will call Charles offered them both one wish if they tell honestly
what they did and why.
told the story of his first kill and why he did it.
Maxwell told his story and why.
Charles can give Cleavand the wish for more power and Maxwell the wish to be
able to stop people like himself and Cleavand some first shot Charles in the back
of the head and then followed doing the same in the face with Maxwell and
pulled out a secure cell phone after checking to make sure all three were dead.
runes told true. Give Words a pat on the back because we can add another
Charles to our list.’ Gator put his flip phone on his shoulder while lighting a
cigarette. He jumped right back into the conversation, ‘Yea, I took out the two
cons too so another Charles won’t get the scent. You said I had two North
American assignments, what’s number two?’ A big grinned crossed his face. ‘Yep,
I’ve heard of The Superstition Mountains.’
are Wish Parasites who grant very nasty people wishes to cause chaos. Some have
said they are the children of a Chaos Demon and a Chaos God. One of the most
nasty things in creation really.
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
Tin Universe Daily #214

Tin Universe Daily #214
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
Operation Cage: Part 2
Cage was supposed to be an investigation into Japan’s Underwater Ruins. An
adventure to the highest order. A trip to go forth and find, with a touch stereotypical
villains, and a little social racism.
on one of the coasts of Yonaguni, underwater- thus Japan’s Underwater Ruins,
there are ruins that are thought to be 10,000 years old.
actually much much older than that.
much much older is more more interesting.
true facts about the site are debated on award winning shows like Ancient
Beyond Humans on that channel that use to have a lot of self-respect but sold
out Beyond Human this and Beyond Human that and was Hitler actually a Beyond
Human and did he has ball cancer.
it also has that guy with the hair.
the meme guy.
Section was hoping it might be the location of The Akasaka Toiletry Case.
the type of thing they go in for.
where else would you find such a powerful object if not Japan’s Atlantis.
an American group beat Viking Section there so the team has instead gathered to
drink as good British government agents do when things don’t go their way.
am not saying you’re stupid,’ Gator told Agent Of Words while pouring himself a
drink at Scull’s home bar, ‘Ok, what I’m saying you’re wrong on a very high
level, not a gray area for miscommunication there, Wrong! There is a difference
between being wrong and being stupid. Don’t be so sensitive.’
put her arms around Agent Of Words and Agent Of Electricity, ‘You’re ok, he’s ok.
I would suggest you get out of his way when he’s drinking.’
new days are a journey to the next drink,’ Gator told Scull while the agents of
Words and Electricity go off to a corner in Scull’s flat to be weird together.
think you are so cute when you are crazed in such an American fashion,’ Scull
friends look you in the eyes and then stab you in the chest. A drink is always
a true friend,’ Gator
Scull told him while tossing an empty bottle into a big trash can that had been
setup in the kitchen.
moving from the direction of my life in progress to something scary,’ Gator
told her handing her a new bottle. Then he pulled out a hand rolled cigarette
from a American Civil War era metal case and lit it up.
offered one to Scull but she shook no.
don’t do drugs because my life is scary enough right now,’ Scull
don’t need technology,’ Gator jumped back into his rant, ‘I like it but like
Fruity Pebbles I don’t need it, it needs
me. I’m the human and my computer is just a huge paperweight without me, but
fuckers like those Agents Of Electricity and Agents Of Words are basically a
hidden religion trying to fuck us all.’
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
start at the beginning,
The book that started it all.
Or the first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books,
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